Want to learn more about The Works? Get on the mailing list below!

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Being a Works member has helped me build confidence in my work and exposed me to the varied expressions of what an art “career” can look like. Erika truly cares about helping artists of all levels in developing their artistic visions. Becoming a Works member was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my art journey, and I’m looking forward to becoming more involved with the Works community.
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Michelle Becker Works Member

Do You...

Feel like other people in the arts know more than you?

Wonder how other artists navigate open calls?

Feel like you spend too much time worrying about your social media and website?

Wonder why you are constantly wasting time redoing your materials?

It's time to get answers so you can get the shows, and you don't have to do it alone


Applying to Open Calls confidently and with ease!

Having support to help you as you navigate new opportunities. 

Easily find your materials to apply without feeling overwhelmed.

Know exactly how to reach out to new spaces and audiences online.

Confidently approach art spaces without doubting yourself

Created by artist, curator and podcast host of I Like Your Work podcast, The Works gives you behind the scenes info to help you understand the process of getting your work featured, into shows and galleries.

Does this sound like you?

I want to spend less time figuring out the administrative side of my studio practice.

I want to understand social media and what happens in an open call behind the scenes.

I want to know my materials and images have been put together that is professional.

I want to connect with more artists to build my community and have more opportunties.

Meet Your Host, Artist & Creator of I Like Your Work Erika b Hess

Confidently approach art spaces and share your work with a larger audience by using resources created by Erika b Hess. Through her experience running the popular podcast, I Like Your Work, Erika has been able to help artists find the right mindset and organize their materials so they can show their work.

It's time for your work to be seen

I get it! I'm an artist too.

I created the Works Membership after years of interviewing and learning from artists, gallerists and entrepreneurs. My experience curating exhibitions, being a guest curator for many spaces you know, and running open calls has given me a behind the scenes view of the application process that I want to share with you! I’ve been on both the application side and the reviewing side and want to share what I’ve learned with you!

Loved the option to be a “Works Member”; too many tools to name that have assisted in my studio practice.
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Antoinette Wysocki: Works Member
During my time as a Works Member I have learned what it is like to be an artist. I don’t know any artists well. I love “overhearing” these conversations and feel bonds and commonality even though I’m working alone.
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Anna Brown: Works Member

Have questions? We have answers!

Common Questions

  • Weekly videos by Erika b Hess to develop your professional practice.
    • This means you get four in-depth lessons a month!
  • Weekly goals to help you move forward in your Professional Practice.
    • In order to move forward, we need not just to learn but do!
  • private community to connect with artists, ask questions, and get feedback on your work and materials.
    • Support others and get support!
  • BONUS: Virtual Meetings
  • BONUS: Artist Talks/Feedback Opportunities- We hold artist talks so you can learn/hear from other artists and get feedback
  • BONUS: Professionals in the Field We bring in amazing professionals to give a talk about a range of professional practice topics! Examples include: Photographing Work, Approaching Spaces

We cover:

Artist Bios & Statements
Documenting your work
Address Lists
Press Packets
Social Media, Reels and Engagement
Finding your audience and how to connect
How to Apply to Open Calls, Application Tips
Residencies and Academic Jobs
Financial Basics
Creating Opportunities
Studio Visits /Gallery Basics
Time Management
Giving an Artist Talk
Writing an artist feature

I am a painter with an active studio practice and gallery representation. You may know me from the podcast, I Like Your Work which I created and currently host. We also curate open calls and exhibitions. On top of this I’m a mom to three so I understand the need for time management. I received my MFA from Boston University, spent three years in NYC working as a studio assistant to amazing artists, and then worked in art admissions reviewing artwork. I co-founded MUSA Collective, an artist collective in Boston, MA because I realized how crucial community for artists really is. I love artists. I love being one, I love talking to fellow artists and I genuinely want others to succeed which is why I started this membership.

For monthly members, the membership is designed to have each lesson build on the previous one, so for each month you will receive four lessons. This allows you time to work on the lesson at hand and achieve your goal. Remember it is implementing the GOAL that moves you forward. 

What if I want to skip ahead?

If you purchase the annual membership, you will have access to all of the lessons at once. However, we have carefully designed the curriculum to drip out at a pace that allows you to absorb the material and take action. Even though it may feel like going faster is better, our experience has shown that our members get the best results when they go one step at a time. 


Please ensure your commitment before enrolling– We do not offer refunds for any of our memberships. Annual members enjoy unrestricted access to the lessons all at once and for this reason we cannot offer partial refunds. With the monthly membership you can cancel at any time. Be sure to cancel before you are charged for the next month. 

Oh YES, Erika has filled a niche or need indeed! At least from my perspective. Specifically, at this particular time I really appreciate her honesty, willingness to be vulnerable and generosity. She is modeling how to put herself out-there and I appreciate that!
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Current Works Member

© I Like Your Work 2022. All rights reserved